Our Facilities and Resources
Students will have the opportunity to gain experience using
specialised laboratories and equipment.
Our new state-of-the-art Brain Electrophysiology Laboratory and
Qualitative Research Laboratory enables students to access
highly specialist research facilities. In addition students are able
to make use of our two video observation suites, which consist
of pairs of rooms linked by a one-way mirror. These resources
will provide students with valuable ‘hands on’ experience
which will enhance their studies and their employability skills
and include:
• Eye Tracker System
• EEG Laboratory for cognitive neuroscience
• BIOPAC systems, that can record a wide range of
physiological measures including skin conductance, EEG,
ECG, blood pressure and respiratory rate
Students also have access to a store of research equipment
which includes items such as: dictaphones and microcones;
digital cameras; Bloggie mobile camcorder; Sony HD
camcorders; MUVI lapel cameras; sunglasses cameras; Yamaha
keyboard; blood pressure and heart rate monitors and MP3
players. We have a suite of state-of-the-art software available to
students to complement their psychological studies.
Finally, students have access to a shared social and work
space located at the centre of the School of Psychology in the
Dorothy Hodgkin Building alongside the lecture theatre, teaching
laboratories, staff offices and lab spaces.
• Cold pressor bath for ice-water immersion in pain and
stress studies
• Electronic breath alcohol detectors
• Wristwatch/cheststrap heart monitors
• Virtual Reality Headsets