Make the most of your degree
Teaching and Assessment
Teaching is by a combination of lectures, practical classes, and seminars, supplemented by
individual meetings and supervision with students, and the services of our Teaching Fellows.
Feedback is a key element of this, shaping student work towards a professional ideal.
Lectures are delivered usually with a PowerPoint type
presentation, which is available on the University’s website for
revision and independent study. There may be additional study
resources for each lecture such as audio/ visual recordings of
the lecture or links to external resources.
Practical classes are 2 hours long and held weekly during
the first and second years. They introduce the key features
of carrying out ethical and systematic study in psychology
with people as research participants, including planning and
conducting a study, the analysis of qualitative and quantitative
research data, and the professional reporting of study
findings. Students are encouraged to work in groups as well
as individually.
Seminar teaching includes tutor-led meetings in the first year,
workshops in the second year and special subject meetings in
the third year. Supervision is a feature of the final-year research
project and other modules which encourage independent study.
Assessment is principally through assignments (essays and
practical reports), examinations (essay-type and multiple-
choice), presentations (oral and poster-type), and a requirement
to attend seminars and practical classes. Other forms of
assessment include blogs, reflective diaries, placement reports,
and group project reports.
Feedback is given in the form of numerical marks and detailed
comments on essays and practical reports, and in individual and
group meetings.
In addition to the personal support given to all students from their
Course Tutors, several specialist Learning Support Teaching
Fellows are available.
Our Teaching Fellows support your learning in Psychology. They
run study skills sessions and provide individual/personalised
support. Students also have the opportunity to take part as
participants in studies at the cutting edge of psychology.