Upcoming March public meetings
What : Floresta Drive Phase 3 Improvement Project public meeting When : 5-7 p . m ., Monday , March 10 , with a presentation at 5:30 p . m . Where : Community Center , 2195 SE Airoso Blvd , Details : Residents will have the opportunity to learn more about the upcoming construction on the Floresta Drive Phase 3 Project .
What : Paar Drive roundabouts public meeting When : 5-7 p . m ., Monday , March 31 Where : Community Center , 2195 SE Airoso Blvd . Details : Residents will have the opportunity to learn more about the proposed roundabouts on Paar Drive at Savona and Darwin .
What : Midway Road ( C . R 712 ) widening from Glades Cut-Off Road to Jenkins Road and Midway Road Partial Interchange at Florida ’ s Turnpike public meeting When : 5:30 p . m . Tuesday , March 25 ( virtual ); 5:30-7:30 p . m . Thursday , March 27 ( in person ) In person : Indian River State College Public Safety Training Complex ( Baily Auditorium ), 4600 Kirby Loop Road , Fort Pierce Virtual : To participate in the virtual meeting from your computer , tablet , or smartphone , register using the link : https :// register . gotowebinar . com / register / 6614486473158368095 . Participants also can use their phone by dialing + 1 631-992-3221 and using Access code : 619-855-612 . Details : FDOT is hosting a virtual and in-person public meeting to learn more about the improvements on Midway Road to help increase capacity and support safety . The public meeting will consist of a formal presentation with representatives available to answer questions and provide assistance . If your question is not answered , a response will be provided in writing following the meeting . Questions and comments may also be submitted before the meeting by emailing the project manager . For more information about the project , visit https :// www . midwayrd . com /.
Roadway Resurfacing Projects
www . cityofpsl . com / repaving
The Capital Improvement resurfacing goal for FY 24 / 25 is 21.68 miles with 0 miles completed to date . Residents will be notified in advance of resurfacing .
• Cashmere Cove
• Hidden Oaks
• Newport Isles
• Northport Village
• Oak Hammock / Palm Trails ( Savona )
• Palm Trails ( Del Rio )
• Riverview
• Rosser Reserve / Woodland Trails ( Paar Mid )
• Sandpiper Bay ( Mid )
• Sandpiper Bay ( North )
• St . Lucie West ( University )
PULSE www . CityofPSL . com / PublicWorks