PSL on the Pulse (03/07/25) Vol. 9 Issue 3 | Page 47

Public Works

City celebrates Engineers Week
The City of Port St . Lucie celebrated Engineers Week Feb . 16-22 . Engineers play a vital role in innovating solutions to global challenges that impact future generations . By working together to develop new technologies , products and opportunities , engineers create new possibilities that make the world a better place . Thank you to the great engineers on staff with the City and our engineer partners .
New traffic calming on SW Whitmore Drive
Motorists traveling along SW Whitmore Drive are asked to slow down , as new traffic-calming speed tables have been installed on SW Whitmore Drive from SW Bayshore to SW Airoso boulevards . Residents in this area participated in the traffic-calming process . To learn more about traffic calming and the process to request it , visit www . cityofpsl . com / trafficcalming .
March is Florida Bike Month
Get out and ride safely ! March is Florida Bike Month and whether you enjoy riding for fun or use bicycling to commute to work or school , remember to stay safe .
Biking quick tips :
• Always wear a helmet .
• Ride in the same direction of traffic on the street .
• Be visible , especially at night or in the early morning . Always use a white front light and a red rear light and reflector .
• Obey all traffic signs , signals and markings .
www . CityofPSL . com / PublicWorks