Office of Management & Budget
Bid Opportunities , Recent Bid Awards
Week ending Feb . 28 |
Bid # |
Description |
Status |
20250059 |
Prineville Water Treatment Facility Emergency Generator Replacement |
Active Bid Opening : 03 / 04 / 25 |
20250037 |
Maintenance of Portable and Stationary Generators |
Active Bid Opening : 03 / 10 / 25 |
20250065 Owner ’ s Representative for Design-Build Project for New Water Treatment Plant and Related Improvements
20230055 Development of the Becker / Village Lifestyle Commercial Center – Step Two ( Shortlisted Proposers Only )
Active Bid Opening : 03 / 11 / 25
Active Bid Opening : 03 / 18 / 25
20250085 Drainage Improvements at the Saints Golf Course Active Bid Opening : 03 / 18 / 25 20240111 SW Kestor Drive Sidewalk Construction Project Active Bid Opening : 03 / 26 / 25
20250045 Utility Adjustments on Port St . Lucie Blvd . from Darwin Blvd . to Alcantarra Blvd .
Awarded to : Zahlene Enterprises , Inc .
20250016 Fee Analysis Study Awarded to : MGT Impact Solutions , LLC 20240152 Maintenance and Repair of Irrigation Systems Awarded to : Nature ’ s Keeper , Inc .
20250009 Installation of a Liquid Solution Feed Carbon Dioxide System at the James E . Anderson Water Treatment Plant
Awarded to : Globaltech , Inc .
20240072 City Hall Expansion and City Complex Parking Garage esign Awarded to : CPZ Architects , Inc .
For more detailed information about active solicitations and awards , please visit the Procurement Division ’ s website : www . cityofpsl . com / procurement
The active solicitations listed above fall under the City ’ s Cone of Silence . Per City Code of Ordinances Section 35.13 , Cone of Silence means a prohibition of any communication regarding competitive solicitations such as a request for proposal , request for qualification , request for information or request for bid , between any potential or actual proposer , bidder , or any other person or entity with the potential for a financial interest in the award , or their respective agents or representatives ( hereinafter collectively referred to as " bidder "), and any member of the city council , city professional staff , or any member of the city ' s selection , evaluation or negotiation committee . Communication regarding any of the solicitations listed above shall go through the City ’ s Procurement Division .
Formal Procurements sent to Council
Feb . 1-28 |
Period |
Year to Date |
Amendments |
4 |
8 |
Awards |
4 |
6 |
Co-Ops / Piggybacks |
3 |
3 |
Sole Sources |
1 |
3 |
Other : Contract Adjustments |
0 |
0 |
Other : Ordinance Change |
0 |
0 |
Other : Resolution |
0 |
0 |
Surplus |
0 |
1 |
Total |
12 |
21 |
www . CityofPSL . com / Budget