PSL on the Pulse (03/07/25) Vol. 9 Issue 3 | Page 3

Upcoming Events ____________________________ 5 Feature Story _______________________________ 7 Half-Cent Sales Tax _________________________ 9 Building ____________________________________ 11 1PSL ________________________________________ 13 Communications ___________________________ 15 Community Redevelopment Agency ________ 18 Emergency Management ___________________ 19 Finance ____________________________________ 22 Human Resources __________________________ 23 Keep Port St . Lucie Beautiful ________________ 25 MIDFLORIDA Event Center ___________________ 28 Neighborhood Services _____________________ 31 Office of Management & Budget ____________ 34
Office of Strategic Initiatives & Innovation _____________________ 36
Parks & Recreation _________________________ 38 Planning & Zoning __________________________ 41 Port St . Lucie Police _________________________ 44 Public Works _______________________________ 47 Special Events _____________________________ 50 Utility Systems _____________________________ 51
The City of Port St . Lucie provides a variety of entertainment and recreational opportunities for residents . February featured a number of events that brought together people of all ages and backgrounds , including familyoriented activities and cultural celebrations . Learn more and see pictures from these fun-filled events on pages 7-8 .
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