Know your flood zone Knowing your flood zone is key to understanding your flood risk . To find out what your flood zone is , visit www . cityofpsl . com / floodzone to learn about your risk today . To prevent flood damage , contact the City ’ s Public Works Department at 772-871-5100 to get assistance and recommendations regarding retrofitting and flood control techniques . Staff also can schedule a site visit to assist you in mitigating flooding issues .
Consider purchasing flood insurance Homeowners ' and renters ’ insurance does not typically cover flood damage , so consider purchasing flood insurance .
The City participates in the National Flood Insurance Program ’ s Community Rating System ( CRS ), which provides a 25 % discount to those in the special flood hazard area and 10 % outside of that area . You do not have to live in a flood zone to be flooded or to have flood insurance . Flooding can happen anywhere ; just one inch of water can cause up to $ 25,000 in damage . Flood insurance is a separate policy that can cover buildings , contents in a building , or both , so it is important to protect your most important financial assets , your home , your business , your possessions .
Visit www . floodsmart . gov or contact your local insurance agent to inquire about and purchase flood insurance today .
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