PSL on the Pulse (01/10/25) Vol. 9 | Issue 1 | Page 8

Half-Cent Sales Tax

Floresta Drive Improvements
Construction continues for the Floresta Drive Phase 2 Improvement Project . The contractor started the installation of the final asphalt from the Elkcam Waterway Bridge to Crosstown Parkway . With this activity , the contractor is shifting traffic and has implemented temporary signal lane closures .
Side streets are anticipated to be closed for short durations at Floresta Drive while work is taking place . The contractor will work in an area for several days and then move forward to the next area throughout the project corridor .
During the summer , the contractor constructed the oval-about at Floresta Elementary School . The new configuration supports pedestrian and vehicular traffic in this area . The oval-about will feature dolphin artwork .
The contractor completed the construction of a new bridge crossing the Elkcam waterway , featuring 6-foot sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists . Additionally , a roundabout on Floresta Drive at Polynesian Avenue has been constructed to safely and efficiently move traffic .
Work is ongoing at Thornhill Lake for required stormwater retention as part of the project , which will help provide water quality for the protection of the St . Lucie River .
The City urges drivers to be vigilant , patient and to slow down while driving through the construction zone , and to follow the appropriate detour routes .
www . CityofPSL . com / SalesTax