The City ' s Strategic Plan is the guiding document that City Council and staff use to fulfill a strategic vision to be a safe , beautiful and prosperous City for all people . The entire organization ' s focus is to carry out the Strategic Plan , which is updated every year based on citizen input through the annual Citizen Survey and Citizen Summit . The Strategic Plan was recently updated and adopted at the City Council Summer Workshop on July 24 .
An essential part of bringing the plan to life is measuring performance through objective indicators and reporting those results back to citizens .
In PSL on the Pulse , we highlight projects specifically prioritized in the Strategic Plan that have achieved milestones , or where changes have occured , in our effort to remain transparent and proactive . In addition , Strategic Plan " badges " indicate the strategic goal that each project , program or event advances , as everything we do at the City of Port St . Lucie aligns with our Strategic Plan . www . CityofPSL . com / StrategicPlan