march 2014
Uplift, Educate, Empower and Promote
Psi Phi Omega Fraternity, Inc.
Elite Brothers of Psi Phi
Omega Fraternity, Inc., we
are in a new year and with a
new year comes new
changes and responsibilities. That is why the theme
we have adopted for this
year’s conference is “Leader
-SHIFT.” We are in the process of restructuring our organization with our TRUE
leaders standing out in
front. This year’s conference
promises not only to be a
lot of fun but to be very informative as well. It will
also be a great way to meet
and socialize with Brothers
from across the country.
With over 150 chapters nationally, this conference will
be the best that our Fraternity has experienced.
The planning committee
has been working diligently
to make sure that the National Convention this year
exceeds any event that we
have done in the past. This
is truly a special year for us.
The beautiful Artmore hotel
will be our host hotel this
year. We would like to welcome and invite every
Brother, National Officer,
and Chapter Leader to be a
part of this historical event.
Because our conference is
held during the same weekend of Atlanta Pride (August
29th-August 31st), we really
try to have all brothers registered with his room as
soon as possible. We are
asking that you RSVP as to
rather or not you will be
attending this year and how
many brothers will be coming with you. This will help
us tremendously when reserving the rooms and dinner accommodations.
The registration fee for
the conference is $50.00
which helps to cover the
cost of the conference as
well as materials needed for
the various sessions and
workshops. This fee is due
March 1st.
Also, make sure you bring
your business cards and
your game face. This is going to be an epic networking
opportunity for you to share
what you do with the Brotherhood as well as gain insight into the talents of our
fellow Brothers.
This is only a summary of
what is happening doing the
conference. For full details,
please visit the national
w e b s i t e
a t
Please don’t wait until
the last minute. Get your
stuff together and let’s prepare to celebrate and fellowship. For more information, you may contact Bro.
([email protected]), Bro.
([email protected]),
or Bro. Ramon Milligan ([email protected]). I
Am My Brother’s Keeper!!
Conference Itinerary:
Friday: Hotel Check-in
Meet & Greet
Saturday: Leader-SHIFT
Awards Show
Sunday: Worship Services
Piedmont Park
Closing Party
Inside this
Nat. Conference
Prison Made: Sir
Kendrick Roberson
Music in Schools
My Brother’s Keeper
Meet the Psi Phites
Contact Page