Psi Phi Omega Gazette FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 3

 In Loving Memory of Sir. Roderic Dupree, National Executive Board WHEREAS Sir Roderick Dupree joined Psi Phi Omega Fraternity a year ago and was an active member and regular supporter of his Brotherhood. WHEREAS Sir Roderic Dupree was a faithful man of prayer who loved the Lord. A very faithful and loyal Fraternity Brother to follow his example. He loved his Fraternity with a gentle, yet stern combination which only he poss essed. WHEREAS not only is this a loss of a devoted father, but also a confident counselor and dear brother. A person who was always available to share an encouraging word and demonstrate strong support to those in need. WHEREAS, the passing of our Beloved Fraternity Brother is the will of God and there is a human tie that has been broken which bleeds the heart in agony and pain. We are encouraged and consoled in the words of Jesus who said , “ I will never the, nor forsake thee”. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we embrace the family because all of us have a common bond that will connect us for the rest of your lives. We cannot replace Sir. Roderic Dupree, but will attempt to demonstrate his love for you. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a period of official rejoicing will be set in honor of Sir. Dupree, by Officially honoring him as the Father of the Fraternity honoring him every October 18th. to acknowledge the passing of our dear Brother Sir. Roderick Dupree. To the Family of Sir. Roderick Dupree, we know your loss is deep and your sorrow is great, but we want you to know that we share in your sorrow, but more importantly, we acknowledge that this loss is actually Heaven’s gain. Humbly submitted on this 29th day of January 29, 2014. Psi Phi Omega National Executive Board Psi Phi Omega National Council Anthony J. Gaye, National President John Pryor, National Vice President I Am My Brother’s Keeper We the National Executive Board, The National Council and The Members of Psi Phi Omega Fraternity, Inc., want the family to know that our hearts and prayers are with you as we gather to bid a Fraternal goodbye to an Elite Brother and a Man of strong faith. Sir. Roderick Dupree a Father and Grandfather, to the Fraternity will be greatly missed.