PSDSM Int. | Page 75

PSDSM Int. Magazine & Model Management© 2nd Annual Fashion/Pageant

Become the Face of the Company that was designed to Empower the Women and Men of the 21st Century. That stands for the causes you fight for, such as: Self Love, Cancer Awareness, Bullying, Domestic Violence, Suicide Prevention, Education, Etc.

If you are looking to wear a crown with a purpose then this is the place for you.

This Event is the Main Component of New York Curves Fashion Week© also owned by PSDSM Int©

Win a Crown, Sash, and coming exclusively in 2016 up to $2,000+ in prices, appearances at exclusive Red Carpet events, Parades, Unlimited Exposure, and so Much More.

We are now accepting contestants from any part of the USA, of any Size, Age, and Race

(Contestant Fee Applies)

Photos of the Current Ambassador coming soon.

For more information please Email

[email protected]