PsAZZ Social Media Explosion
could help manage it by becoming be able to be more anonymous and boy,
what a WOW factor that’s added to our
ability to connect!
All people would need to do would be
to give our page a ‘like’ and get posting Within the first few weeks in the
but sadly it seemed, there was the T w i t t e r s p h e r e
rub... a seeming reluctance to interact we had already
too much incase family or friends could gained over 200
see the posts too (it’s a sad truth that followers
we are still slightly embarrassed by our began to follow
tons of interesting,
Anyway, we lived with it for a while - relevant
to see what worked/didn’t work and feeds that we could
because the setting up and managing share too.
of a full set of social media apps could
turn out to be somewhat of a full time I linked it to our
occupation if one wasn’t careful (that Facebook
‘one’ being me!)
so that our posts
So, it kind of worked, but not enough show up there and
- you got the feeling there was so to the new PsAZZ
much more out there to find, share and website which is
discuss so the next natural step was great
Twitter - somewhere people tend to it