PSAZZnews_issue12.pdf Aug. 2014 | Page 23

Intrepid PsAZZ-ers.... What an adventurous bunch you can be - last month we had Gretel doing the MoonWalk London - this month we have Debbie under the sea in St Maartin as part of her birthday celebrations in April! Debbie told us about her exciting underwater excursion at the Wiltshire PsAZZ get together and brought a long a picture to show us. We were all very impressed with her tale - especially when she told us she secretly had last minute nerves but couldnt show it because a younger girl was even more scared and had said ‘If you can do it, I can do it!’ Not only was she very brave to do the dive but even more so for sending us a photo for PsAZZ News - Well Done Debbie! 23