PSAZZnews_issue12.pdf Aug. 2014 | Page 20

Earlier this year, Janet Ball one of the research nurses at The Min, got in touch to ask if any of our group members would be interested in joining a focus group being put together to review a new device called ‘The Nimble’. She told us that Bath University Research & Development Design Service were looking for people with joint pain or joint problems in their hands to test out and give their views to gadget inventor Simon Lyons of Version 22, Design School in Loughborough. After graduating with a Masters in Product Design Engineering from Loughborough University, Simon began to work full time on products & ideas for Version 22. One such product was ‘The Nimble’ - an easy to use finger tool designed to help cut open awkward packaging such as drinks packaging, microwave meals and even hard to open clam-shells. Introducing.... The Nimb Winner of a Shell LiveWIRE Grand Ideas Aw manufactures and sells innovative co department stores and d gadget as part of a focus group for people with hand related disabilities, such as arthritis, to see if we felt it would make life easier so, one Monday in June, three intrepid PsAZZ-ers joined a mixed group of other people with dexterity issues at The Min to meet up with Simon and colleague Sam Warren. We were sent a link to a promotional video on You Tube - www. - which meant we had some idea of what we would be looking at before the meeting. In May 2013 the gadget won the national ‘If Only’ competition run by KT Equal and the University of Bath and in June it was entered into the 2013 ‘Think Big’ competition and awarded prize money to At the help with further development. asked PsAZZ were asked to help review the asked Simon explains the reason behind the design.. kinds beginning of the session we were to fill out a questionnaire which a range of questions from what of packages we have difficulty opening to how it makes us feel. Simon then introduced us to his prototype of The Nimble and we all got to see it close up and try it on. After we had passed it around, Simon asked us for some feedback and some lively discussion took place on how it felt to wear,