Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny | Page 5

Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny Tom III Poznań 2016
Table of Contents
Paulina G r o b e l n a - M a z u r e k , Old Polish archival practice based on the research on the inventories of royal treasury and archive of Kraków ( 16 th – 18 th centuries ). Inventory commissions ........................................................... 9
Monika N a w r o c k a - T h e u s , The first years of freedom in the Polish Theater in Poznań
( 1918 – 1924 ) .......................................................... 41 Patrycja K a n a f o c k a , Spies and espionage in the Poznań press in the period 1918 – 1939 57 Wojciech M ą d r y , Władysław Kowalenko – a forgotten pioneer of research on the importance of sea for the Slavic nations in the early Middle Ages from Poznań . .......... 79 Jarosław M a t y s i a k , The Democratic Professors ’ Club in Poznań in the years ( 1949 ) –
1950-1953 ............................................................ 95
Lucyna B ł a ż e j c z y k - M a j k a , Jan M i ł o s z , Incidence rate of infectious diseases in Greater Poland in the years 1945 – 1953 according to the documents of the National Archive in Poznań . ..................................................... 113 Łukasz J a s t r z ą b , The Poznań June of 1956 in culture and historiography .......... 145 Grzegorz Ł u k o m s k i , Struggle between the communist state and the Catholic Church as presented in political writing by Józef Mackiewicz . ............................ 173
Tadeusz L a n g e , Epistolary biography of the commander of the Order of Malta , Wincenty Raczyński ( 1771 – 1857 ) .................................................. 189
Natalia K a m i ń s k a , Anna K l e d z i k , Klaudia N a w r o c k a , The patterns of concluding marriages in Poznań in the 19 th century ................................ 203
Michał B o k s a , Zuzanna J a ś k o w s k a - J ó z e f i a k , Letters of Feliks Nowowiejski ( 1877 – 1946 ) to Adam ( 1875 – 1965 ) and Maria ( 1877 – 1952 ) Wrzosek from 1936 ( from the heritage of Adam Wrzosek in the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw , Poznań branch ) ............................................................... 213
Andrzej P r i n k e , Manager of the basket workshop warehouse : the period of occupation in the life of professor Józef Kostrzewski ( 1940 – 1943 ) in the account of professor count Alfred Wielkopolski ..................................................... 225
Krzysztof S t r y j k o w s k i , War and post-war history of banks , their vaults and records as exemplified by the Communal Savings Bank of the Poznań county . ............... 233
Beata K a r w a l s k a , Family archives in the national archives and a competition for family archivists in the National Archive in Poznań . ................................ 243
Michał K w a ś n i e w s k i , An entrepreneurial woman – my great-great-grandmother Katarzyna Gummert in the light of a notarial act from the year 1893 .............. 251