Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny t. VII | Page 191

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All-Union departments and make decisions on special scientific and archival issues 43 .
In the Tsentrarkhiv of the UkrSRR ’ s conclusion to the next draft regulation on the establishment of the Central Archival Administration of the USSR , – which was submitted by the People ’ s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs in July 1926 to be considered by the Council of People ’ s Commissars of the USSR , – there was the following remark :
The question of establishing the Tsentrarkhiv of the USSR is not only a special archival issue , but it is also basically a constitutional one . Art . 1 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union exhaustively defined competencies of the organs of the USSR , but it gave no directives on whether the organs of the USSR are able to regulate archival affairs and determine procedures of transferring and storing archival materials which lost their importance for office activities etc . According to Art . 3 of the Constitution of the USSR every Union Republic carries out the authority on its own excluding the functions determined in the Art . 1 of the Constitution . Consequently , there are no all-Union organs for the management of archival affairs and every Union Republic has its own legislation in the field of archival ‘ construction ’. Thus , the creation of the Tsentrarkhiv of the USSR limits the constitutional rights of the Union Republics 44 .
The draft prepared by the People ’ s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs was appealed by the Permanent Mission of the UkrSRR on June 26 , 1928 45 . The Ukrtsentrarkhiv insisted on the inconsistency of the draft of the People ’ s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and the Constitution of the UkrSRR in the Memorandum sent to the Presidium of the VUTsVK on July 3 , 1928 . The Ukrtsentrarkhiv drafted its own project , which would make it possible to create the Central Archives of the USSR ( not the Central Archival Administration of the USSR ) and regulate some questions of storing the archival materials of the All-Union organs of power in the archives of the Union Republics . On October 10 , 1928 , the Ukrtsentrarkhiv ’ s project was sent to the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on behalf of the government of Soviet Ukraine 46 .
As a result , the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decided to create the Central Archival Administration of the USSR , but also agreed to convene an Ad Hoc Committee composed of seven representatives to resolve all the points at issue . The outstanding Marxist historian Mykhailo Pokrovskyi ( 1868 – 1932 ) headed this Committee ; Mykhailo Rubatch ( 1899 – 1980 ) as the Chief of the Ukrtsentrarkhiv , represented Ukraine . Representatives from other Union Republics were not included in the Committee .
В . В . Максаков , История и организация архивного дела в СССР ( 1917 – 1945 ), Москва 1969 , p . 228 .
TsDAVO of Ukraine , F . 14 , Op . 1 , Spr . 161 , Ark . 43 .
Ibidem , Ark . 70 .
Ibidem , Ark . 104 – 105 .