Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny t. VII | Page 187

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the Bolsheviks which took place in October 1924 decided to liquidate the provinces and implement the three-level system of governance . On June 3 , 1925 the VUTsVK adopted the Decree ‘ On the Liquidation of Provinces and the Implementation the Three-level System of Governance ’ according to which the whole territory of Ukraine was divided into 41 counties , 600 districts , more than 10000 rural councils , including 12 national districts and more than 500 national rural councils . The transition to the three-level system of governance required radical reorganization of the network of archival institutions . As such , the gubarkhs were liquidated , and in their place county archival administrations ( okrarkhs ) were created . In order to liquidate the gubarkhs , temporary archival commissions were established . The gubarkhs had to transfer collected archival documents to historical archives , revolutionary divisions , and repositories of county archives 35 . On June 10 , 1925 the Council of People ’ s Commissars approved the structure and the staffing of the Central Archival Administration and county archival administrations . The Revolutionary Central Archives , the Central Historical Archives ( Kharkiv and Kyiv branches ) and the Ancient Acts Archives were subordinated to the Ukrtsentrarkhiv 36 .
On July 25 , 1925 , the Ukrtsentrarkhiv approved a special instruction regulating the main activities of okrarkhs . There were three groups of the okrarkhs . The choice of the group depended on the size and importance of the county . The first group was assigned such tasks as : organization and control over archival affairs within the county ; management of the county historical archives ; preliminary appraisal of the EDAF ’ s documents and transferring them to the Kyiv Central Historical Archives , the Kharkiv Central Historical Archives ( depending on distance ) and the Kharkiv Central Archives of the Revolution ( materials on the history of the Revolution ). Under the first group of okrarkhs permanent expert-verification commissions and county historical archives were created . As a rule county historical archives had two divisions : general history and history of the Revolution . Control over archival affairs in the counties , transferring archival materials from organizations to archives , storing records in reserve archival repositories prior to their division into records with permanent terms , and selecting records which could be to destroy belonged to duties of the county archival administrations of the second and third groups . The evaluation of documents in the repositories of the second
Інструкція Центральної Комісії трьохступеневої системи управління про порядок ліквідації Губерніяльних Архівних Управлінь , [ in :] ‘ Бюлетень Укрцентрархіва ’, vol . 1 – 2 , Харків 1925 , p . 9 – 11 .
О структуре и штатах Центрального Архивного Управления УССР , его учреждений и окружных архивных управлений , [ in :] ‘ Собрание узаконений и распоряжений Рабоче- Крестьянского Правительства Украины ’, vol . 31 , Part 1 , 26 июня 1925 , Art . 243 , p . 455 – 457 .