Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny t. VII | Page 174

The archival branch of Ukraine from 1917 to 1960 ...
still many unexplored fields in the history of the Ukrainian archives , so more in-depth scientific studies and publications are required .
The history of the State Archival Service and the archival branch of Ukraine can be divided into the following periods :
– the pre-revolutionary period until 1917 ( archives of ministries and departments ; archives of government authorities ( for example , the offices of governors ) and courts ; provincial , city , uyezd and volost self-governing bodies archives ; universities and scientific and historical societies archives ; private archives ; as well as provincial scholarly archival commissions and three historical archives – in Lviv , Kyiv and Kharkiv – which had already functioned on the territory of Ukraine by 1917 . At the same time there was no unified archival legislative and any central body to manage these archives ;
– 1917 – 1921 is characterized by attempts to found a central administrative body to manage archival affairs on the territory which was under the control of the Ukrainian authorities as well as by efforts to implement archival reforms in Ukraine . During this period , Soviet archival bodies were also established in Kharkiv and in the provincial centers . The end of this period , and in fact all of the following years until 1938 , were marked by the massive destruction of documents created by the instruments of the Russian Empire , as well as compulsory requisitioning and transfer of the most valuable documents to the central archives of Moscow and Leningrad ;
– during 1921 – 1928 the archival branch of Ukraine operated under the New Economic Policy of the Bolsheviks ; the Ukrtsentrarkhiv was able to pursue a relatively independent archival policy and protect the interests of Ukraine at the all-USSR level ;
– 1929 – 1938 was marked by the integration of the archival system of Ukraine into the pan-USSR archival system , the strengthening of administrative and command trends in the management of archives , and repressions of archivists . A system of Communist Party archives was formed in parallel to the state archives system ;
– during the period from 1938 to the end of the 1960s , the archival branch of Ukraine was subordinated to the People ’ s Commissariat of Internal Affairs ( NKVS , from 1946 – the Ministry of Internal Affairs ). At that time , the archives functioned in conditions of increased levels of secrecy . On the eve of the Second World War , the archival branch of the UkrRSR 5 increased due to the addition of archives of Western Ukraine , Bukovina and a part of Bessarabia , but these archives were not fully integrated into the archival system of the UkrRSR
Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic ( Ukrainska Sotsialistychna Radianska Respublika ( in Ukrainian transliteration ), UkrSRR – from March 6 – 10 , 1919 – to 1937 ), Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic ( Ukrainska Radianska Sotsialistychna Respublika ( in Ukrainian transliteration ), UkrRSR – after 1937 ).