Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny t. VI Księga PA-H 6 | Page 30

Powoływanie landratów w Prusach Południowych ( 1793 – 1806 )
skiej wielu z wybrańców wystąpiło przeciwko Prusakom . Odpowiedzią władz było usunięcie ich z zajmowanych stanowisk oraz nominacja osób niepowiązanych z administrowanym powiatem . Jednak już wkrótce ( 1795 ) zaczęto liczyć się z postulatami szlacheckich posesjonatów , zwłaszcza , że podnosili oni wierność monarsze podczas insurekcji ( Radomsko ), lub postulowali nominację byłego oficera pruskiego ( Częstochowa ). Ten sposób nominacji funkcjonował również podczas drugiego okresu urzędowania ministra Vossa w Prusach Południowych ( po objęciu tronu przez Fryderyka Wilhelma III ). Tym samym , zgodnie z Powszechnym Prawem Krajowym , życzeniami zgłaszanymi przy zajmowaniu prowincji („ petyty ”), jak i propozycjami samego ministra z początków jego urzędowania – pozwolono szlachcie wybierać kandydatów spośród swego grona ..
Słowa kluczowe : Prusy Południowe , administracja , landrat , wybory
Zdzisław W ł o d a r c z y k Appointment of landrats in South Prussia ( 1793 – 1806 ) Abstract
The article reviews the personnel policy of the occupant regarding the appointment of the landrat / county supervisor in South Prussia — a province created from the territories seized by the Hohenzollerns following the second partition of Poland in 1793 . Due to external factors and the situation in the province , the process of appointing landrats underwent some modifications . Initially , these officials were elected directly by the Prussian administration , with no contribution from the nobles . The denomination of the nominee played an important role — Evangelical Reformed Church members who had been living in these territories for generations were preferred . All of it was in accordance with the demands of minister Bucholz formulated in the early 1793 . During the Kościuszko Uprising many of these elected officials took up arms against the Prussians . As a consequence , they were removed from their positions , and people with no ties with the county they were meant to administer were nominated . However , as early as 1795 , the demands of middle noblemen were taken into account , especially since they pledged their allegiance to the monarch during the uprising ( in Radomsko ) or called for the nomination of a former Prussian officer ( in Częstochowa ). This nominating procedure also functioned during the second term of minister Voss in South Prussia ( after Frederick William III of Prussia had come to the throne ). At that point , noblemen were allowed to choose the candidate among themselves , which was in compliance with the General State Laws for the Prussian States , wishes submitted when assuming supervision over the province , as well as the suggestions of the minister himself from the early days of his office .
Keywords : South Prussia , administration , landrat , elections