Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny t. VI Księga PA-H 6 | Page 236

Media społecznościowe a funkcjonowanie wiedzy historycznej w Polsce 235
Wiktor W e r n e r , Dawid G r a l i k , Adrian T r z o s s
Social media and the condition of historical knowledge in Poland . Research report
The article discusses the condition of historical knowledge in Poland in social media . The study is based on a quantitative survey performed online in March 2019 . The survey , filled out by 2200 respondents , was designed following the contemporary discourse on historical awareness . Quoting the works of Jan Pomorski , Barbara Szacka , and Nina Assorodobraj , the authors compared self-assessed historical knowledge of social media users with their interests , media popularity trends , and the impact of media of the pre-Web 2.0 era ( film , television , computer games ). Based on this analysis , the authors created a description of social need for historical narratives ( public history ), and presented the contemporary condition of the social role of history in entertainment ( digital homo ludens ). This work is a part of a broader original research project on historical awareness and the condition of historical knowledge in Poland with detailed analyses included in other texts .
Keywords : quantitative study , digital homo ludens , film , computer games , social media , public history , television series , historical awareness , historical knowledge