Provincial Nominee Program - Canada PNP Business Plan. Provincial Nominee Program - Canada PNP Business P | Page 11
Sample Town 3 has a population of XXX,XXX,XXX with a population growth of XX.XX% from 9999
to 9999. 6 Annual median household income is $XXX,XXX. The unemployment rate is XX.XX%.
Sample Town 3 is XXX kilometers away from Sample Town 1 and as such provides an opportunity
for the Company to expand its remote services. The high unemployment rate can be seen as a
weakness, however, Sample Town 3 is a large market that the Company can expand to in Year 2.
Sample Town 4 has a population of XXX,XXX,XXX with a population decrease of XX.XX% from
9999 to 9999. 7 Annual median household income is $XXX,XXX. The unemployment rate is
XX.XX%. Sample Town 4 is XXX kilometers away from Sample Town which can mean high travel
costs for the Company and clients. The city also had a decrease in population and the lowest
annual median household income compared to other focus areas. Therefore, the Company will
focus more on businesses and providing Internet of Things solutions to this target group.