Would you recommend this trip to
our readers?
[Ernesto] Yes, definitely! We can say,
without any doubts, that our overland
trip IS the best thing we've done in our
lives. This trip represents for us the
quintessential definition of freedom.
Somehow the world becomes a lot bigger
as we realize how little we know about it.
But at the same time it also becomes a
lot easier to get out there and discover
it. Anyone who dreams about hitting the
road to do an overland trip can do it. Go
for it!
[Taisa] Absolutely! People have shown
us so much warmth and generosity. So
far, the food has been delicious, the na-
ture diverse and the celebrations big and
colorful. We believe that a lot of the mag-
ical and humbling stuff happens when
you make this kind of life change. Go see
the world!
What's one piece of advice you
guys would give to someone who is
planning a similar trip?
[Ernesto] There're a million ways to
travel overland. Some people do it on bi-
cycles, others in motorcycles, vans of all
sizes, 4x4s, sedans, unimogs, school bus-
es, etc. There's no such thing as the per-
fect overland vehicle. Make sure you en-
vision the trip the way you want to do it,
doing the things that you like to do. This
will help you make the right decisions
while outfitting your rig and purchasing
your gear. If possible do not constrain
yourself with itineraries. We’ve learned
that planning as we go is the best way to
travel, for us at least.
There are lots of amazing places that are
not mentioned in travel books and that
ended up being hidden gems for us.
You're about to embark on a life changing
experience. As our friends of Life Remote-
ly taught us – make sure you ease into it.
Test your gear, go out on weekend trips as
often as you can. Start traveling slow so
you can adjust to this new lifestyle so you
don't get burnt out. Ok, I guess that was
more than one piece of advice. ;)
[Taisa] Pack a lot of underwear and keep
granola bars up front to stave away han-
griness. Haha, I learned these key tips
from our wise friends from Desk To Glory!
Find the beauty, learn about the history
and culture, step out of your comfort zone
and mingle with the locals. Those are the
moments that have deepened our experi-
ence and understanding.
Recognize that the trip starts before the
trip. Your friends and family go along with
you in spirit. I try to thank them often for
their support and patience. Be kind to
yourself and stay focused on your depar-
ture. Leaving was the hardest part for us.
Get excited about your freedom, once you
are on the road, you can make every day
Ernesto and Taisa
Instagram - @overlandtheamericas