PROTFOLIO erraali | Page 16

DESIGN STATEMENT To design a machine for grading fruit that make it easier to gred by following the classes of fruit. R E S E A R C H Grading of fruits and vegetables after harvesting is an essential step in post-harvest management. Grading of fruits and vegetables on the basis of physical characteristics like weight, size, colour, shape, specific gravity, and freedom from diseases depending upon agro- cliamatic conditions. The known methods of grading of fruits and vegetables are manual grading , size grading. Grading of fruits and vegetables in the fresh form for quality is essen- tial, as the people are becoming quality conscious day by day. Further, upon arrival of fruits and vegetables at the processing cen- tres, they should be graded strictly for quality. The immature proper- ly mature and over mature fruits and vegetable should be sorted out for the best attributes. For this project i apply a scanning technologies, to make the pro- cess of grading become easily and also can make the process of manufacturing become fast. With scanning tecnologies, it can can detect the affection of fruit and it also can do a grading method. DESIGN OBJECTIVE Easy to use for worker and can make the process become faster. TARGET USER The manufacturing that base on food manufacturing (fruit). Focus The fruit manufacturing PROBLEM the worker at the grading process Identified : This situation can make the fruit become affected