Proteus: Financial Literacy Month 1 | Page 13

An optimal investment strategy will maintain the You need risk before you can de-risk expected outperformance from rewarded risk whilst mitigating this as much as possible through The asset-liability mismatch is a risk that must be diversification. It will also remove unrewarded risk acknowledged, accepted and managed. The current through leveraged hedges where it is possible to do ‘total return’ approach was successful, in large part so cost effectively and when market conditions due to recent equity performance and the steep appear favourable. depreciation of the Canadian dollar. De-risking advocates will argue that given the current improving Be deliberate about taking risk. Be deliberate about funding status, it appears prudent to initiate a de-risking transition to a portfolio that better tracks the performance of liabilities. In other words, locking-in The number of strategies available increases the some of the success before it slips away. likelihood that there is an approach that will work well with an organization’s culture, risk tolerance, financial However, a perceived key barrier to de-risking is the goals and employee demographics. opportunity cost of doing so. The fear is that plan sponsors won’t benefit from a rise in interest rates and The de-risking continuum includes: will not participate in the stock market out performance. Reduction of interest rate risk: removing unrewarded risk by investing in leveraged interest rate The ability to capture capital market performance is and inflation-linked assets. not lost in the de-risking process. In fact, some derisking implementations show risk exposures that are Yield enhancement: increasing allocation to credit quite similar to the ubiquitous 60/40 portfolio. risk and diversifying via non-traditional vehicles such as real estate and infrastructure. Growth asset diversification: reducing rewarded risks through the optimal diversification of growth LOCKING IN asset classes, often via non-traditional strategies Risk transfer: removing all pension risks by YOUR SUCCESS purchasing annuities (buyouts and buy-ins) IS WHAT Plan closure: ceasing the further accumulation of risk by removing future accrual DE-RISKING Liability and policy management: removing liabilities at cost-effective levels though transfer values, lump sums and the reshaping of benefit IS ALL ABOUT. design. 10 | PROTEUS