Proteus: Financial Literacy Month 1 | Page 10

Viewpoint: Target Date Funds: Popular Doesn't Mean Adequate As a defined contribution plan member, what are What are the advantages of TDFs? the two critical decisions you must make in assuring an adequate retirement? TDFs allow members to make a simple decision based on their age or number of As a DC plan member, you have three decisions years expected until retirement. The to make to help ensure you have enough saved investment then automatically rebalances for retirement. You should decide: how much to save, how to invest and how long to invest for. How do you invest? toward a more conservative asset mix as retirement approaches. The logic here is that, at a young age, an investor has more time to ride out the ups and downs of the Target date funds (TDFs) were created in the last decade, or so, and are becoming increasingly stock market and can benefit from the long term expected rate of return. popular, often designated as the default option for many plans. In the US, assets in TDFs rose What did members do prior to TDFs? from a total of $100 billion in 2005 to over $700 billion in 2015, and more than 60% of new defined contribution (DC) pension contributions are now flowing into these funds. Prior to target date funds, DC members were often faced with either too few or too many investment choices. On the one hand you could have the plan member try to A TDF is a diversified portfolio, so it will typically have a wide range of stocks and bonds, which become less risky over time. For example, the fund for a 25 year-old will become less risky as the member ages and by the time they turn 60 figure out how much to put into stocks, bonds or GICs, or they would invest in a balanced fund or asset allocation strategy with an asset mix that didn’t change much over time. the fund will have significantly less risk than when the member first invested. 7 | PROTEUS