Protection Tomorrow December 2021 | Page 10

Emma Vaughan
Head of Protection Services
We assume young people rarely seek advice . Is this true ? And if not , how can advisers go about reaching out to young people ?
In the vast majority of cases , young people don ’ t seek advice because they don ’ t know they need to . Although some good work has been done to start teaching the younger generations about their future financial needs , ultimately it is up to parents to start these lessons . Many of us will have played ‘ shop keeper ’ as children , so there is a way to make it fun , as well as teaching lessons that will put us on the front foot as we grow up . Advisers can also support this by reaching out through new , more diverse channels such as social media . An 18-yearold isn ’ t going to wake up on a Saturday morning and think they need income protection , but they will open Instagram and be influenced by their peers . Advisers need to relate to young people , and this can be done with some of the amazing testimonials that insurers pull together . The younger generation may not need the full suite of protection to cover mortgages and families , but they will understand that an income protection policy will cover things like their technology , nights out or even

Advising young and female clients