Protection Adviser Spring/Summer 2022 | Page 21

• recovery from illness or injury – help for your clients to manage recovery , including return to work coaching , lifestyle advice and organising additional services such as physiotherapy and speech therapy if appropriate
• diagnosis understanding – RedArc can answer questions that your client may have about their diagnosis and next treatment steps
• serious and chronic illnesses management – guidance through ways of best managing illness , what to expect and treatment possibilities .
Personalised support for individuals – example routes
Everybody ’ s needs are different , so the help they require will be too . We ’ ve created these example routes to show how Wellbeing Support could help your clients throughout different stages of an illness .
Cancer Support – support from the onset of symptoms through to diagnosis , treatment and readjusting to life afterwards
Stroke Support – following a stroke or mini-stroke , support can include consultations through to rehabilitation , and readjusting to a new way of life
Cardiac Health – from concerns about symptoms , to supporting a post-heart attack recovery , and advice on living with a heart condition
Mental Health – support with identifying low mood , to seeking help , accessing therapy and moving forwards
See our Wellbeing Support page for more details : www . adviser . legalandgeneral . com