Protect-ED Parents Booklet | Page 26


Stay up to date — keep up to date with how your child uses their mobile devices and new apps .
Open lines of communication — it is important to regularly discuss cyber safety and talk about issues your child may experience . By establishing these open and honest lines of communication your child is more likely to come to you if they experience a problem online .
Supervise your child — monitor and supervise your pre-teen child when they are using the internet and mobile devices to ensure their safety .
Parental controls — it may be necessary to use parental controls on mobile devices to establish limits on how and when children can access certain sites or games . It is important to note that parental controls should only be used in conjunction with open lines of communication with your child .
Protect your devices — use anti-virus software and keep your operating system up to date .
SHARE THESE CYBER SAFETY TIPS WITH YOUR CHILD : 1 . Don ’ t share too much information online — avoid sharing personal information such as your name , email , home address and school online — even when playing online games .
2 . Have STRONG passwords or passphrases — make sure you have strong passwords which have at least eight characters including letters , numbers and special characters . It is also important to have different passwords for different accounts !
3 . Know who your friends are — it is important to make sure that your online friends are people you know in real life , you trust and are people you actually want to talk to .
4 . Stay private — make sure social networking profiles or online game profiles are set to ‘ private ’ or ‘ friends only ’.
5 . Don ’ t click that link — avoid clicking on links in emails , they could be spam or scams .
6 . Don ’ t be a keyboard warrior ! If you wouldn ’ t say it to someone ’ s face , don ’ t say it online .
7 . Think before you post — once it is on the internet it is there forever . Think about who might see it or where it might end up years into the future .