Protect-ED Parents Booklet | Page 15

RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT DEALING WITH CYBERBULLYING If your child is being bullied … `` Talk with your child about conflict they may have experienced. `` Keep evidence of bullying behaviour such as instant messenger conversations or online posts. `` Discuss options with your child and their school. `` Report content to the site on which it occurred. `` It is important to avoid removing access to technology as this may prevent your child from talking to you if future issues arise. If your child is bullying others … `` Explain to your child why bullying is unacceptable. `` Find out why the bullying is occurring – often a child who is bullying others may be experiencing other behavioural issues. `` Encourage your child to understand the offline consequences of their actions. `` Encourage your child to think about how they would feel if they were in the other person’s position. TIPS FOR ADDRESSING CYBERBULLYING 1. Building parental connectedness can help build resilience in children and help them to overcome conflict. 2. Encourage your child to support their friends who are being cyberbullied and assist them in telling a trusted adult. 3. Provide opportunities for your child to develop their own strategies for combating cyberbullying. 4. Create an environment in which your child is comfortable coming to you with any issues they face online without fear of having their devices confiscated. 5. Talk with your child about appropriate forms of conflict resolution so that they do not resort to cyberbullying. 6. Make sure your child knows who they can talk to about any issues they are facing online if they are not comfortable confiding in a parent. 7. Encourage your child to reduce their exposure to people they don’t know who may upset them, by changing their privacy settings. 8. Find out the policies of your school, sports organisation and any of the sites and applications your child uses in relation to cyberbullying. 15