ProTeam Resources | Page 29

Teacher Checklist for Portfolio Assessment _____ 1. Understand the purpose of the portfolio. Demonstrate growth in the skills, perceptions, and development of the ProTeam student in relation to each module by providing a collection of his/her work and reflection gathered over a period of time. _____ 2. Review portfolios regularly. Students need to revisit their work often. Portfolios need to be incorporated into daily instruction as much as possible. _____ 3. Students need to self-reflect. Until they are comfortable with self-assessment, the teacher will need to provide help and guidance. _____ 4. Take time for peer evaluation. A weekly swap among peers can be a powerful resource. Provide “sticky notes” for peers to write positive comments. _____ 5. Share with parents/guardians. Portfolios are great for conferencing. _____ 6. Know your limits. Don't bite off more than you can chew! PRO Q4