ProTeam Module 7 | Page 54

Explain that the number of hours a particular course is assigned determines the weight it is given in calculating a GPA. A two-hour course carries more weight than a one-hour course, and a three-hour course carries more weight than a two-hour course and so on. Therefore, it is very important to make certain that you get the best grades in the courses with the greatest number of hours. Ask the students to look over the definitions. Answer any questions about the terms they may have. 5. Tell students you are now going to teach them how to calculate Juanita’s GPA for the first semester of her freshman year.* v Have students complete the chart at the bottom of the page by transferring the Course Hours for each course to the appropriate place in the table. Ask them to add up the total number of hours in the column. v Then have them determine the number of Quality Points for each course by multiplying the Course Hours times the Point Value for the Letter Grade. Ask the students to determine the total number of quality points received for the semester. Point out that this is where the number of hours a course is assigned really becomes important. v Finally have the students calculate Juanita’s GPA by dividing the total number of Quality Points by the total number of Course Hours. What is it? What is the letter grade equivalent? This is a fairly respectable GPA for a first semester freshmen away from home for the first time. Have them compare the letter grade to the grades they receive on their report cards. 6. Distribute the “Calculate Juanita’s GPA: Second Semester” handout. Explain to the students that they are now going to calculate Juanita’s second semester GPA. Before they begin, ask them to predict a GPA and write their prediction in the blank below the table. PROTEAM DREAMQUEST CURRICULUM   7-54 MODULE 7: v Next have students determine the Point Value (see table at the top of the page) for each letter grade (A=4.0, for example) received, and place it in the appropriate box in the table. I Can Plan for a Successful Future 4. Hand out the “Calculate Juanita’s GPA: First Semester” sheet. Explain to the students that the numeric range for an A, B, C, D or F is probably different to which they are accustomed. Warn students not to be too casual about the range. College work is much more challenging than what they will experience in most middle and high school classes.