ProTeam Module 7 | Page 10

b) add a few new elements at a time c) clean sweep 3. Do you feel comfortable in a competitive situation? Why or why not? Emotional Fulfillment 1. How would you prefer to spend your time? a) alone b) with one or two close friends c) with a large group of people d) with your family 2. What makes you feel... a) happy? b) angry? c) frustrated? d) satisfied? e) anxious? Talent Pool 1. List five adjectives that best describe you. 2. What positive attributes set you apart from others? 3. How would a good friend describe you? 4. How would a stranger describe you? 5. What are your five greatest strengths? 6. What are your five greatest weaknesses? Based on your quiz answers, write out a self-portrait, emphasizing the positives. Be true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to be different. I.D. Your Dreams Just what do you want anyway? Be specific or you won’t know where to start. The following dream retrievers can help you review and reevaluate your goals. 1. Mind Movie. OK, some fantasies are too far out for fulfillment. But don’t write off your reveries as only daydreams. How should you tap into your imagination? Deliberate daydreaming! Set a scene, and start the camera rolling. Don’t direct and don’t judge, but do take note of what you see. When the show is over, jot down the details, and keep a record for future reference. 2. Goal Collage. You dream in pictures, so picture your dreams. Leaf through some magazines, tearing out anything that attracts your eye, from awesome clothes to a party scene. Once you have a good assortment, glue them down on a large sheet of paper to make a poster of your “great life.” (If you don’t want your dreams on display, stick your pictures in a scrapbook instead.) Goals serve as beacons to give you a sense of direction, to help you stay motivated, and to make your desires seem attainable. Bonus: The self-esteem/satisfaction payoff of meeting one goal sets you on the right track for going after another. Here are some ground rules for goals! PROTEAM DREAMQUEST CURRICULUM   7-10