ProTeam - Module 2 | Page 51

TEACHER RESOURCE Bad Manners Misfits Descriptions Cut into strips. Doesn’t know how to share when eating with others or to take turns Constantly talks, usually about himself and other people Constantly interrupts and blurts out her ideas Whines and complains when she doesn’t get her way; poor sport Grosses people out by burping and worse; yawning, sneezing and coughing without covering his mouth; talking with her mouth full; scratching his skin or scalp constantly Pushes, pokes and touches people when he should not; takes other people’s things Can’t remember to say please, thank you, excuse me, etc. Wrecks other people’s things and doesn’t put things back where they belong Enters people’s rooms without permission; looks at other people’s private belongings (such as a diary or journal) PROTEAM DREAMQUEST CURRICULUM 2-51