Prospectus | Page 3

Each child is a valued member of our school. We believe education is a three way process involving the school, the pupils and their parents. Boys and girls are taught separately in most subjects because we focus not just on what your child learns, but how they learn. Small teaching groups are a priority. Flexible teaching, varied resources, support and extension programmes coupled with high expectations help to meet the needs of each individual learner. Mayville’s ethos is that pupils are part of a caring community and are taught to respect and support each other. They learn to meet the challenges of the wider world, and understand that they are part of a global community. They are encouraged to be involved in charity fundraising for projects both at home and abroad. “There are so many opportunities open to the children at Mayville: with equal amounts of encouragement and discipline pupils thrive” Parent Mayville sets high standards in all areas, be they academic, creative, physical or social. Through numerous and varied activities we celebrate the many successes of our pupils and encourage their competitive spirit. Art, drama, music and sport play an important part in school life, and all these elements help instil confidence at every level. 3