Prosjektledelse Prosjektledelse nr. 4 2019 | Page 18
not simply deduct this negative contribution from
the performance. Here we would make it too easy
for ourselves, because the service is the desired
dimension of the client and automatically does
not take the damage into account.
In addition to scope, time, cost and stakeholder
satisfaction, we have now established two further
success criteria such as resource optimization
and project damage.
We have thus outlined the “Six Interdependencies”.
Agility and the reflection of the Six
Now you might think the magic triangle was
never relevant for me as an agile product owner
anyway, because the performance is never rele-
vant due to “fix” number of story points that can
be processed in a sprint. This is deceptive and not removing stories at the start of each sprint deli-
really true, because by prioritizing the backlog the berately changes the performance of the project.
most important performance is of course defined So the six interdependencies are also likely to be
as “part” of the project. Reprioritizing, adding or relevant in agile practice.
Marc Widmann
I am Marc Widmann, a husband, father of two sons, enthusiastic
amateur photographer and lives in Hattersheim near Frankfurt.
In my daily work I manage projects and programs in the field
of information technology. I coach project managers and
audit projects. I have many years of experience in consulting
and IT outsourcing with project portfolio management tasks.
I particularly enjoy working with international teams at Tata
Consultancy Services. I volunteer my time at the Gesellschaft
für Projektmanagement (GPM-IPMA) as an assessor in project
management personal certification. I myself am also certified as
IPMA Level A Certified Project Director (GPM) and IPMA Level B
Certified Senior Project Manager (GPM).