Prosjektledelse Prosjektledelse nr. 1 2020 | Page 35

DEBATT Marc and I share some values regarding require- ments specification. But I have some problems with some of his remarks, and some suggestions for more-advanced thinking on requirements. One value we share is quantification of (some) requirements: “Project objectives are the establishment of requirements which are as quantified as possible and which must be met in order for a project to be considered successfully completed.” (Marc W) “Conflicts of objectives are to be avoided. ….A complete definition of objectives requires the identification of all relevant stakeholders, which can lead to conflicts of interest. Conflicts of objectives are to be avoided, i.e. the different project objectives must fit together.” You cannot avoid conflicts of objectives, all obje- ctives are inherently in conflict with each other, both for the common budget, and because they just conflict with each other, security and usabi- lity are examples. Project requirements are of many types, and some of them do not admit to quantification, because What Marc might have said is the following: they are binary (present or not). 1. You should not specify a performance (value, See Fig-1. So all performance and resource/cost quality) goal level which makes it impossible to requirements can and should be quantified. But reach reasonable and necessary goal levels for (Function/Deign/Condition) other critical objectives. constraints, and Function Requirements are not normally quanti- 2. You need to find a reasonable balance regar- fied. They are binary. Present or absent. ding performance goal levels so that minimum PROSJEKTLEDELSE • NR. 1 2020 35