Prosjektledelse nr. 2 2024 | Page 17

The core team : They are 14 employess , 7 professionals and 5 volounteers .
A local initiative Karina Garcia Torres , together with her sister Angela Beatriz and brother Esteban , started a local initiative about 3 years ago , in their home region Chocó of Western Colombia , an isolated coastal rainforest region . ( See last page ). Their project is aiming to provide their community tools that allow them to generate their own income , develop the local ecomomy and psychological well-being . Through their work they generate small changes that leads to bigger ones , with tools that give them peace in their minds . They see their activities in a bigger picture , and know that what they are doing is their share of bringing peace to the earth ! The development of the SANO ART ( healthy art ) project responds to a great need that arises in the region of poor education , unemployment , violence and economic and social inequality . They give courses for groups of 20 to 50 people . The participants are learning to make all kinds of handcraft . They are making furnitures of recycled tires and bucklets , jewelery of local stones , as well as painting and other arts . They are of course depending of selling the products to get income . This is however difficult . They are dependant of informal sales , through social networks and fairs . The local governemnet has however a store where entrepreneurs can take their product to the market .
Contact information : E-mail : artesanopacifico @ gmail . com Social networks : instagram : @ tiendalibeluladorada