Prosjektledelse nr. 1 2021 Norges eneste tidsskrift innen prosjektledelse | Page 7

rer mindsets to project management is widely recognized by actors in this sector ( Marcella and Rowley 2015 ). When compared with the vast array of books , theories and research contributions on project management in general , literature which specifically addresses projects with high degree of creativity , is a neglected field ( Elstad and De Paoli 2014 ; Pielichaty et al . 2017 ; Cuyler 2014b ). Also , the increased focus of agile project management outside the software industry has not led to extensive empirical studies , including creative industries ( Gustavsson 2016 ; Seymore and Coyle 2016 ).
This scarcity of pre-existing knowledge has consequences for the higher-level educational programs . The availability of study programs and courses within the field of project management has increased worldwide ( Sahlin-Anderson and Soderholm 2002 ) and an evidence-based foundation of teaching is important . The theoretical focus has largely been based on development- and change project , universal standards , tools and procedures developed within the contexts of engineering and later the software industry . Critics have argued that this can lead to a form of rigidity that limits project managers ' ability to foster flexibility , reflexivity and pragmatism in real , practical work ( Hodgson and Cicmil 2007 ). The current extensive project management literature is relevant reading for everyone who works with projects , also within creative industries ( Elstad and De Paoli 2014 ). Thus , to truly understand how projects in creative industries are being led and managed , I argue for a need to nuance the empirical basis by introducing new perspectives into the field of research .
Silje Straume
Silje Straume er studieprogramleder for bachelor i " Prosjektledelse kunst og kreativ næring " og høyskolelektor ved Høyskolen Kristiania . Hun har en allsidig utdanningsbakgrunn med lærerutdanning ( musikk , hovedinstrument slagverk ), spansk språk- og litteraturstudier fra Argentina og en videreutdanning i prosjektledelse av kulturprosjekter .
Hun har en mastergrad i samfunnsendring , organisasjon og ledelse , med et særlig fokus på personalledelse innenfor festivalorganisasjoner . Silje har erfaring fra ulike produksjoner innen kulturfeltet . Hun har tidligere også vært prosjektleder for et utviklingsprosjekt ved Høgskolen -og Studentsamskipnaden i Molde , jobbet i Molde Internasjonale jazzfestival og med operaproduksjon i Den Norske Opera og Ballett blant andre .
Silje underviser og veileder innenfor fagområdet prosjektledelse .