ProSe (Proximity Services) for LTE & 5G Networks: 2017- 2030 ProSe (Proximity Services) for LTE & 5G Networks: | Page 4

- At present , efforts to commercialize ProSe are being spearheaded by the public safety and critical communications industry . The ongoing transition from legacy LMR systems to LTE networks is expected to trigger the very first investments in ProSe-enabled devices , as direct communication between devices is an essential requirement for users in this domain .
- In the commercial area , mobile operators can leverage ProSe to offer a range of B2B , B2B2C and B2C services that rely on proximity including advertising , social networking , gaming , relaying traffic for wearables and V2X ( Vehicle-to-Everything ) connectivity .
- By the end of 2025 , Research estimates that mobile operators can pocket as much $ 17 Billion in ProSe based annual service revenue . Up to 55 % of this revenue figure will be attributable to proximity advertising .
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