ProSe (Proximity Services) for LTE & 5G Networks: 2017- 2030 ProSe (Proximity Services) for LTE & 5G Networks:

ProSe ( Proximity Services ) for LTE & 5G Networks : 2017- 2030 Opportunities , Challenges , Strategies & Forecasts
The " ProSe ( Proximity Services ) for LTE & 5G Networks : 2017- 2030 Opportunities , Challenges , Strategies & Forecasts " report presents an in-depth assessment of the ProSe market including enabling technologies , key trends , market drivers , challenges , standardization , use cases , applications , business models , pre-commercial case studies , opportunities , future roadmap , value chain and strategic recommendations . The report also presents forecasts for ProSe-enabled device shipments and ProSe based mobile operator service revenue from 2018 till 2030 . The forecasts cover multiple submarkets and 6 regions .
Download Sample @ https :// marketreportscenter . com / reports / 499483 / prose-proximity-servicesfor-lte-5g-networks-2017-2030-opportunities-challenges-strategies-forecasts
Tags : ProSe , Proximity Services , Direct Communication , DMO ( Direct Mode Operation ), LTE , 5G , Public Safety , Critical Communications , TETRA , P25 , LMR ( Land Mobile Radio ), Mobile Advertising , LBS ( Location Based Services ), Bluetooth , Wi-Fi Direct , Market Reports Center , Latest report on ProSe , Proximity Services Report , Proximity Services market , analysis of Proximity Services
Mobile operators can pocket as much $ 17 Billion in ProSe based annual service revenue .
Worldwide : Latest report Research estimates that mobile operators can pocket as much $ 17 Billion in ProSe based annual service revenue . Up to 55 % of this revenue figure will be attributable to proximity advertising .
What is Proximity-Based Services ?
Subclass of location-based services , i . e ., services accessible with mobile devices through a mobile network making use of the geographical position of the device , especially the geographical proximity of two or more devices .
First introduced in Release 12 of the 3GPP specifications , ProSe ( Proximity Services ) is a D2D ( Deviceto-Device ) technology that allows LTE devices to detect each other and to communicate directly . It relies on multiple enhancements to existing LTE standards including new functional elements and a " sidelink " air interface for direct connectivity between devices .
PDF sample download : https :// marketreportscenter . com / request-sample / 499483 Difference between D2D and proximity networking technologies ?
In comparison to existing D2D and proximity networking technologies , ProSe offers several distinct benefits including but not limited to better scalability , manageability , privacy , security and batteryefficiency . At present , efforts to commercialize ProSe are being spearheaded by the public safety and critical communications sector , amid the ongoing transition from legacy LMR ( Land Mobile Radio ) systems to LTE networks .
How much growth can we expect in Market ?