Property360Digest E-MAGAZINE Issue#3 | Page 8

Issue # 3 6 the highest potential, best people, food and abundance of opportunities. developers interested in constructing affordable homes. We have been talking about it for the past several years but only a little has been accomplished from the “government” standpoint in terms of revised rules. Question: When was REI established? What was its initial purpose? Answer: REI group of Companies was established back in 2007. Since the beginning, its mission has been to inspire and advise the public and private players about sustainable development and property investment. Question: Who is your inspiration and why? Answer: I’ve had the privilege of meeting several inspiring mentors and interesting people in my life thus far. From my father to some of my teachers throughout my student life, and my partner here in Malaysia as well as a few good friends. To complete the list, Klaus Schwab (founder and current Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum) has been a big inspiration to my personal, public and professional life. Question: How much has REI expanded and progressed from the initial stage? Answer: We are still here after 12 years. This speaks volumes about our growth in the marketplace, however, it wasn’t always a bed of roses. Instead, it has been quite a rollercoaster ride, to be honest. From being a total ‘zero’ in the market, nowadays we are looked at as a reliable source of strategic information, market analysis and research. It has not been easy and both my partner and I have put in much effort in achieving this. Question: What are your current thoughts about the property industry in Malaysia at the moment? Answer: The Property Industry, not only in Malaysia but in many countries, is going through an irreversible transformation. I do not think we will once again see the market as it was back in 2014. Very soon, with the availability of big data and through proper analysis, it will become more possible to know (with mathematic precision) and in a timelier manner, the ‘whats’ and the ‘wheres’ in both property development as well as property investment. We will, most probably, see a re-bounce within the next 12 months to a more normalised situation and the soft market condition that we all have been painfully experiencing should be over soon. Question: It is a known fact that you speak a lot about affordable housing, what are your thought on the matter in Malaysia at the moment. What would you suggest be done to achieve more affordable housing in the country? strap t t o o B es ou y d o s epi ever t — now ay nigh sd Thur aceBook on F Question: What is your forecast for REI in the next 5 years? Answer: We are in the midst of planning and slowly beginning to execute a few new moves which should bring REI group to the next level very soon. During the first 12 years, we have been mostly focusing on a B2B model. However, come 2020, we will be reaching out to consumers too in terms of education, knowledge, information and data sharing. Question: Who are your key personnel at REI? Answer: Everyone in REI Group is important and a strategic component of a powerful engine. Our people, as we call them, are the best asset a business could ever have, and we keep on investing in them. PROPERTY360DIGEST Answer: Well this question alone might have me talking for days. However, to cut the story short - my personal view can be probably summarised in a few pointers: — Definition of a realistic values’ table for affordable homes in Malaysia based on actual purchasing power on a state basis. — Government, once defined values and policies, shall stay totally out from the supply side letting private players respond to the demand. If we have scarcity of affordable homes is because the government has been trying to supply them without having the experience but disrupting the market in terms of “unfair” competition to the private sector. — Policymakers shall be defining, as soon as possible, a brand new set of rules of engagement for those private Question: If there was another industry that you would like to move to, what industry would that be and why? Answer: The education industry for sure. This would probably be due to the passion I’ve always had to learn and share knowledge with others. TRUST, but VERIFY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL PRIVATE INVESTIGATION