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FEATURED EVENT by Property Hunter
Roof topping ceremony for
Manhattan Suites @ ITCC
Shout it from the roof tops!
The roof topping ceremony of the completed Kinabalu International Airport, the iconic ITCC will also feature a grand 32,000 sqft
structure was held at the project site in development will transform the landscape of Banquet Hall, which would be able to cater
ITCC on Monday, 10 July 2017, attended Kota Kinabalu once completed. for over 170 dining tables. This will provide
by Malakun Holdings Sdn Bhd Executive
the community with a comfortable and
Chairman, Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Clarence ITCC aims to positions itself as a premier modern venue to host an array of events such
Bongkos Malakun and Managing Director, business and lifestyle hub in the Greater as weddings and celebrations. The versatility
Datin Seri Panglima Sylvia Wong Malakun. Kota Kinabalu zone and become a of the banquet hall would also allow to
catalyst for growth in the information and accommodate exhibitions, conferences and
According to Group General Manager, Mr communications technology (ICT) sector corporate events.
Ceasar Mandela Malakun, Manhattan Suites as its 16-storey i-Office Tower is aiming to was named to emulate the diversity of the secure approval as the first Multimedia Super Manhattan Suites offer 24-hour security and
population as well as the world class service Corridor (MSC) Cybercentre in East Malaysia. state-of- the-art CCTV for the safety of owners
that is usually associated with New York City
and residents. The doormen, concierge and
in the United States of America. Bringing Spreading over 10.5 acres of prime land, the a live-in residential manager will ensure that
this concept to this part of Kota Kinabalu integrated development will be a benchmark the needs and requirements of the tenants
will further enhance the lifestyle of the local in high-speed broadband connectivity as it are always met.
population as well as making a recognisable pioneers the use of fibre optic connectivity impact towards the growing tourism market throughout the whole development. ITCC There will be an executive lounge adjoined
visiting Sabah. is envisaged to house incubators and to the lush lobby for tenants to conduct
academies to spearhead the ICT industry in informal meetings or gatherings. For a more
Sabah. formal meeting or conference setting, tenants
ITCC is envisaged to be a distinctive world-
class development with a comprehensive
are given priority booking for the use of the
range of amenities. This landmark “We’ve come to understand the millennial meeting rooms. Owners are also given a
development will have a gross built-up area generation’s culture of work, play and free 1-year exclusive membership to Club
of more than 1.6 million sqft, anchored by a lifestyle being intermingled and the lines M which shall give them access to the hotel
4-storey 675 units premium retail shopping that use to divide these aspects of life are facilities such as the swimming pool, spa and
mall, a 16-storey i-Office Tower, 19-storeys of now blurred for a better quality of life. This is fitness centre. Each unit is provided its own
295 prestigious residential SoVo suite units where SoVo units can offer a solution,” said allocated on-site parking spot while other
and a 19-storey, 330-room, 4-star rated hotel. Mr Ceasar. facilities include children’s playground and
Located less than 10 minutes away from Kota
laundry facilities.