FEATURED EVENT by Property Hunter
Local properties on display
at PIHex 2017
Apparently, you can also get good property deals at the mall.
The first Property, Investment and Home
held at Imago Shopping Mall.
Expo (PIHex) of the year, organized by Maxx
(Tropicana Garden, KL), Welton (Green Haven,
Johor), Greenfield City Sdn Bhd (Greenfield
Media (S) Sdn Bhd took place on 23-25 June PIHex highlights property investment Residence, Menggatal), MK Land (ATC 2, KL),
at Imago Shopping Mall. opportunities by developers from both East Symphony Life (Union Suites, KL), Hasrat
and West Malaysia. Among the names that Realiti (Sri Khazanah Residence, Papar), DF
This year, PIHex teamed up with ridesharing exhibited during the expo include: Hap Seng Development (Park Residence, Penampang)
giant, UBER, to give out 2 Free Rides worth Properties (Kingfisher Putatan & Kingfisher to name a few.
RM5 each to visitors going to and from Imago Inanam), Grand Merdeka (GM Mall, Telipok), Shopping Mall throughout the expo period. The W Group (University Utama Square, Despite the sluggish property market,
KKIP), Kinsabina Group (Triconic Tower, investors are still showing interest in the
This is the first of the PIHex series with two Bundusan), Mah Sing Group (Dsara Sentral, property sector, namely condominiums in
more coming on 1-3 September and 1-3 Lakeville Residence, KL), Tropicana Corp East Malaysia.
December respectively, which will also be