Enoch: Matthew wanted to make sure the
whole project is fully leased out and after some
discussions and brainstorming sessions the
DRBS came about. Buyers like the idea that
the tenant selection will be controlled by the
Matthew: We need good brands to come in
for the long term rather than we just sell and
leave. It can become very messy. We want to
manage this project like a shopping mall.
PH: Do you see other developers wanting to
implement the same scheme?
Enoch: I think other developers will take notice
and use the same strategy. We cannot stop
them and we can’t copyright anything but we
can say TBMC was the first to do it. That said,
if other developers decide to use it I hope they
“We need good brands to come in for the long term rather than
we just sell and leave.”
do well.
So far, reception to the scheme has been the project protrude out about 6.6 meters from chance meeting allowed the boys to catch up
broadly positive according to Enoch and he the body of the building. We did something and eventually strike up a partnership.
suspects it is one of the key selling points of different, so that was the challenging part. T1 @ Bundusan. Based on the initial response Even for the façade’s woody concept, we really PH: Any plans to continue this partnership
after launching, Enoch is optimistic and had to take our time and be careful when between TBMC and Property Hub?
almost regrets putting his phone number on sourcing for materials.
Matthew and Enoch mutually nods in
the marketing material. Almost. However, it
was not all smooth sailing for TBMC when Enoch: They adopted a very interesting agreement and expectance, with a possible
construction started on the project with concept which means a way of construction T2 on the horizon slated in Tawau. “I can’t
location and design ambitions turning into that is out of the norm. give details at the moment but it has been
approved and we are figuring out when to
T1 @ Bundusan sits on 1.93 acres of land kick it off,” says Matthew. Another region TBMC
Matthew: Initially there were a lot of problems. along Jalan Bundusan. It features 12 blocks has their sights on is in Tenom where they are
The land in Bundusan is a bit swampy and we of 4-storey commercial lots, 12 dual-volume planning mixed developments and condos,
had difficulties during the piling stages. We sky units on the fifth floor, a 6-storey hotel, but that may change down the line. Presently
had to use special techniques. basement car park and a unique take on though, both Enoch and Matthew will have
design, setting the pace in the Sabah market. their hands full with T1 @ Bundusan, but I
reckon that’s a problem they wouldn’t mind
PH: TBMC is still relatively new to the
construction world, was this the challenge?
PH: When did the partnership (TBMC and
Property Hub) start?
TBMC was formed around 40 years ago, but
was rooted in the automotive industry, which Matthew: Well it started about a year ago.
remains a key part of TBMC even today. I’ve got another industrial project and Enoch
However, the company’s foray into property helped in terms of the handover and such.
development didn’t start with T1 @ Bundusan.
According to Matthew, TBMC decided to Good things come to those who put in the
plunge into the property realm circa 2007, work they say, in this case to those who work
building semi-D’s, linked-detached homes and together. With TBMC appointing Property Hub
industrial warehouses. as a marketing partner, a fruitful partnership
was born. The two had already known each
Matthew: Well it wasn’t so much that (being other from high school, but fate brought them
new to construction), it was also partly together in the business realm when destiny
because of the design. We had the fifth floor of sat them on the same flight one fine day. This