CONTRIBUTOR by Dr Rafiq Idris
Study: Millennial affordability in
Kota Kinabalu
House ownership among the young generation is an issue of heated debate that
needs to be addressed. Some are saying that property prices in Kota Kinabalu is
expensive and unaffordable for the millennial. This article attempts to highlight some
of the key findings obtained from a preliminary study on house ownership in Kota
Kinabalu among the younger generation. In addition, this article shall propose some
This study was conducted since 2016 Menggatal, Sepanggar, Telipok and
to obtain the general view of the young Tuaran, working in Kota Kinabalu. In
generation’s affordability to own a terms of income group, based on Table 1,
house or property in Kota Kinabalu. A 67% of the respondents come from those
convenience sampling method involving who earn RM3000 and above.
400 individuals was adopted. The age
of respondents ranged between 24-39 With regards to the millennials’ opinion
years old. Only working individuals were on house price in Kota Kinabalu, 71%
consulted as respondents. The areas of the respondents think that it is very
involved include respondents from expensive (refer to figure 1). 27% think
Tanjung Aru, Sembulan, Kota Kinabalu, that it is expensive, while 1.25%, 0.5%
Likas, Penampang, Luyang, Kepayan, and 0.25% think the price are reasonable,
Petagas, Putatan, Kinarut, Papar, Inanam, cheap and very cheap respectively.
Table 1: Salary Group of Respondents
Salary group
No of Respondents %
RM1-999 8 2
RM1000-1999 40 10
RM2000-2999 84 21
RM3000-4999 138 34.5
>RM5000 130 32.5
Figure 1: Respondents View on House Price
Very Cheap
Very Expensive