Timing can have a great impact on the value of the purchase . However , it could be difficult working out the right time to buy a house in a volatile market . In this second part of the article , the research team will proffer some suggestions on how to identify signs for home buying in the context of the current environment of the Malaysian housing market . These suggestions are based on their statistical findings / results obtained accordingly and the application of conventional wisdom .
The Malaysian housing market was experiencing an almost unprecedented price growth over the past few years . It was only until around 2013 that prices appeared to have stabilised . As home prices spiralled higher , people are beginning to wonder if the local housing market is in a housing bubble which is ready to burst . Nevertheless , the housing price index data suggests that the market is not on the brink of collapse . But logically , what goes up must come down and vice versa .
Using the year-on-year increase in housing prices , a movement of housing prices over the period of 1990 to 2016 was tracked using a simple graphical method , followed by a statistical algorithm for the verification of the results . Not only are the results traced out in Figures 1 and 2 supportive of each other , they are in line with the historical records . www . PropertyHunter . com . my 37