SCHOOL WEST COAST QUICK SEARCH CONTENT EDITOR’S LETTER BUYING PROPERTY PROPERTY FOR SALE PROJECT FOR SALE PROPERTY FINDER WEST COAST BANKING WEST INSURANCE ECOLE PAUL ET VIRGINIE SCHOOL Paul et Virginie is a French private Mauritian primary Paul et Virginie school is run with its own funds, coming from the school fees school which opened in 2003, under the legal  status of paid by  parents and donations from parents, benefactors and sponsors. All nonprofit and is now is well established in Tamarin. It has members of the management committee are volunteers and the school enrolls a modern infrastructure and well equipped school classes pupils from preprimary school (from 3 years old) to CM2. with air conditioning for the children, landscaped garden and playground and the school benefits from the sport RENTING WEST LAND FOR SALE DRIVING Paul et Virginie school has various qualities which make it an excellent school. center Riverland to use their swimming pool for sessions. The company, created, managed and run by volunteers who are the  founding members. They compose the management committee, and have made the choice to offer a French school program. NORTH COAST BANKING NORTH Hence the school has signed a partnership agreement with the agency pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger RELOCATION FINANCE MORTGAGES LAWYER 34 (Agency for French Education Abroad), this gives the school the label of “Approved Institution”, in return the school commits  to apply the school programs, the time table and the calendar which is recommended by the French National Education. YOUR ACCESS TO MAURITIUS LIFE