Prompt Readings Hot Wire Anemometer How is Dust Monitored? | Page 3

High volume samplers: This technique of dust monitoring has an analysis of the potential health threats of dust in a atmosphere since it measures very fine particles by analysing the typical dust concentrations passing via an air filter over an amount of 24 hours. High volume samplers may also be used to specifically assess the dust levels arising from the particular environmental event or location. Continuous particle monitors: This can be a continuous, real-time approach to determining the concentration of dust particles using many different monitors and gauges which can be installed permanently in the environment. Different filters could be fitted to measure particles of different sizes accurately. This can be a reliable approach to dust monitoring that measures concentrations and assesses associated health threats on a day-to- day basis. Kanomax-USA supplies high quality Dust Monitoring Equipments and Dust Monitors. Contact Kanomax-USA for big selection of Air Sampling Products and Dust Monitors. Visit