Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe #PLME16 | Page 8

DAY 2 AM Got to know each other - Group work, Ice breakers, Name games Ice breaking games were introduced to participants in order to make them relaxed for communication. Name games with name and gestures, ball and other methods followed with simulation in which participants developed team work. Other games ensured that participants got to know each other more and made group as their comfort zone. Team building activities were implemented in order to create a positive and trustful atmosphere between participants. PM NGO market, Alphabet of employment and reflection group In early afternoon participants in their national teams prepared presentation of their organisations, main activities, objectives, examples of projects and contacts, including promotion materials. Second afternoon session was reserved for “Alphabet of employment” in which participants, working in small groups, had to find 26 associations related to youth employment and mobility starting with letters of alphabet from A to Z. 8 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union